Contact Us

Get in Touch with Us! Have questions, feedback, or inquiries? We’re here to help! Reach out to us through the contact information below to connect with our team. We value your input and look forward to hearing from you. Let’s start a conversation and work together to make a difference!

Christian nonprofit organizations who are interested in applying for funds from the Butterfield Foundation must first submit a Letter of Inquiry. Our grant staff can answer any questions you may have related to this process.

8308 N. May, Ste 200
Oklahoma City, OK 73120


405-604-4702 (Fax)

Discover Grant Opportunities

Explore our grant programs to find opportunities for funding that align with your organization's mission and projects. From Christian whole person healthcare to international initiatives and spiritual care advancement, we offer funding to support a wide range of impactful projects.

2023 Impact Statement